Monday, 19 February 2007

Opt-in mobile marketing: Jose Luis Prescado from FuturLink

Not only a great solution for Bluetooth and Wi-Fi marketing but our friendly neighbours at 3GSM, we interviewed Futurlink to find out how their technology really worked. As Jose makes clear, it's essential that mobile marketing in any form has to be consumer-controlled and they've got the right idea by being opt-in.

Although I like the idea of this form of mobile marketing (I got all the Sundance Shorts for free!), I can equally see the problems of Bluetooth spam that Russell Buckley points to in his blog. The solution must lie partway in between: marketers can offer incredible value through this channel (free music, free offers etc.) but there has to be a filtering system in place if it's to remain on the good side of consumers. There's undoubtedly a huge opportunity here but marketers should remain wary of using it outright.

Check out our podcast here.

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